Moss Art Workshop
No dates available at present. Please email to register your interest. Likewise, if you have a group of 5-8, please email to inquire about a private hire at no extra charge.
Join us at Gro for an “art meets plants” session. Create an original piece using preserved Reindeer Moss in any or all the colours of the rainbow. Not an artist? Not a problem. Templates will be provided to help you or guide your creative vision.
Preserved moss has been processed to keep the appearance and feel of fresh moss, but will never need any maintenance to keep its vivid appearance.
Price includes 10”x 10” box frame in neutral grey and all related materials.
Ages 13+.
£25 per participant.
Contact us if you have a group of 5-8 and would like to have a private session.
Price includes workshop, materials and 10% off store wide on the night.